The New Infrastructure Spending Bill May Impact Your Investment Dollars and a Small Cap Company with a New Potential Catalyst

Good day everyone,


There is a new infrastructure bill that has been passed by the U.S. Congress. While the spending is pegged at $1.2T, only $550B is new spending over a five-year period, but that’s still a lot of money. We will be driving through construction zones the next few years. Here are some highlights of the additional spending to guide your investment in the sectors that may benefit:


$110 billion for roads, bridges, and major infrastructure projects.

$40 billion for bridge repair, replacement, and rehabilitation.

$16 billion for major projects. (???)

$11 billion for transportation safety.

$1 billion to reconnect communities that were divided by highways.

$39 billion to modernize public transit.

$66 billion for passenger and freight rail.

$12 billion in partnership grants for intercity rail service.

$65 billion to improve broadband infrastructure.

$17 billion in port infrastructure.

$25 billion for airport repairs.

$7.5 billion for zero- and low-emission buses.

$7.5 billion for plug-in electric vehicle chargers.

$65 billion to rebuild the electric grid.

$55 billion to upgrade water infrastructure.

$50 billion to make the water system more resilient.

$21 billion to clean up Superfund and brownfield sites.


I want to update you on a NASDAQ company we’ve covered before. It’s one of my favorite small-cap companies for many reasons. This company has a growing pipeline of products and manages to keep its focus on selling them as well as developing them. The company has a modest share structure and insiders own a nice chunk of the outstanding shares.

I like companies that can generate catalysts without trying, ones that innovate and grow creating catalysts as they grow, and this company fits the bill. Stock analysts have recently reached a consensus price target indicating a 75% upside. Once again, this company has produced a near term catalyst, and I want to report on it.


Stay tuned and stay informed.